Monday, September 29, 2008

Going down the memory lane - Silver Jubilee

This post is in remembrance of the miracle called "Silver Jubilee".

The photo which you can see is from my mobile (I wish I had a camera during that time :-) ).

The occasion being that it was the last day of the Art of Living Part -1 mega course we had in Bangalore before Silver Jubilee and more than 20,000 people were present in the Ashram that day. We had booked 12 BMTC buses from Koramangala to take the participants to Ashram and Koramangala is one out of thirty odd centers where the course had happened, so just imagine the euphoria in the atmosphere.

The venue being Ashram amphitheater. I still don't believe how so many people fitted in there.

It was just mind-boggling and believe it or not, every one who came was fed till he was full in every sense. Kudos to Ashram team and specially Sundar bhaiya and the kitchen team for managing this spectacle.

P.S. I have lots of experiences to share regarding Silver Jubilee and will keep them rolling in future posts.


Sunand said...

Unforgettable moments of life

Abhay Karnataki said...

yeah keep posting. if only I remember the silver jubilee consciously, the whole life of mine would be so much different!

Even in the bus that I travelled, there was so much belongingness. What I need to remember, it that it is possible to have such a world!